
Great Homeschool Curriculum


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Computer Free Tuesday

I have decided to start making 2 days a week computer free for homeschool.  We have been doing computer for the first part of the day and then adding worksheets and reading the rest of the day.  I will still continue that schedule for the remaining 3 days of the week.  But, for Tuesday and Thursday (my days off)... we will be spending lots of time on handwriting and worksheets to reinforce what he is learning on his online curriculum.

Since today was the first "no computer" day... Joshua was a bit wound up and didn't want to pay attention for very long.  I had to keep stopping and calming him down.  This is why I need this one on one time with him.  He is learning how to sit and listen...but, we need to work on it a bit more.  I love the online curriculum.  But, I don't want to rely on it alone.  

Here are some of the worksheets we did today...

It is raining here, no outside time.   I am going to put price tags on things around the house and let Joshua "buy" them with coins to practice recognizing and combining coins.  Should be fun.

Have a great day!