
Great Homeschool Curriculum


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Texas Changing History???

This is a perfect example of why I choose to homeschool!  The state of Texas board of education is trying to rewrite the history books.  They want to remove historical figures such as Daniel Boone, Nathan Hale and CHRISTMAS!  They want to replace those things with the cultural impact of hip hop music, ACLU lawyer Clarence Darrow, and the Hindu holiday of Diwali.  They also want to replace the term "American" with "Global Citizen".  I don't know about the rest of you... but, I will always be an AMERICAN.  I can still remember when being an American was something we were proud of.  Pride in our county was encouraged.  Removing Christmas from history books is absolutely horrible.  Not to mention replacing it with an Hindu holiday.  I just don't get it.  They are trying to get rid of anything that has do to with Jesus.  Jesus is my Lord.  America is mostly a Chrisitan country.  Not Hindu. 

I know some people will say.. well, that's just in the state of Texas.  We don't have to worry about it.  But, from what I have read... Texas is a large producer of all text books used in the US.  They make the books and other states buy them.   If these dreadful changes are made to Texas text books...they will spread to other states and before long...children won't even know who Daniel Boone was.  I just don't see how the changes are needed.  Or what Texas hopes to gain from them. 

I have forgotten to mention that I am a Texas native.  I was born and raised there.  I lived there until I was 35 years old.  I am so ashamed of my home state today.

I hope that these changes aren't allowed to happen.  Not only will it change history... it will erase it.
